Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ethnic, Religious , and Political information

Ethnic Make-up 

-80% of the population Canadian born
-Going westward the population born outside of Canada increases.
-People of French origin are concentrated in Quebec, where they make up 80% of the population.
-French make up 23% of the total population.
-British make-up 28% of the total population.
-6% Arab, African, and Asian origin
-The main ethnicities are Canadian and English.

Ethnic Conflict 

Immigration, prejudice, and multiculturalism pose issues with ethnic equality in Canada. Currently natives and non-natives contrast and creating public issues. The conflict between English and French speaking communities persists due to their dominance as official languages. The balance of power between ethnic groups corresponds with the status of the groups former nation. The major ethnic groups have established their power and gained resources, but tend to deny access to minorities. Unequal access to educational and job opportunities for immigrants is a current issue as more culturally diverse groups emerge.The attempt to restructure multicultural policies to suit the diverse population of Canada still has not been approached.

Source: https://inequalitygaps.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/image2.jpg?w=640&h=332

Religious Landscape

Candian cities are religiously diverse, but the countryside is predominantly Christian. Canada has religious harmony and respect for all beliefs. 72% is Roman Catholic or Protestant (National Census). 
Those with no specific religion account for 16% of the total population. Non- Christian religions are concentrated in metropolitan areas. 2% of the population was calculated as Muslim by the national Census. Canada also has small Christian groups like Orthodox. Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United count for more than half the Canadian population. 

Source: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Religion_in_Canada



Canada is a parliamentary democracy, meaning that law is the supreme authority. Parties are held together by a common ideology, that seek political power to implement policies. Canada's system of government derives from the British. It is a representative form of government where citizens elect officials. The Senate is made up of members chosen by the Governor General to represent different territories. Members of parliament usually support a specific political party. Canda also has a constitutional monarchy, meaning that the Queen has executive authority through the constitution. The Prime minister is the head of the government and the Queen is the head of state. The current Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau appointed by David Johnston. 
Currently, the political issues at hand involve health care, immigration, and domestic policy. In health care, the conflict of whether it should be a provincial or federal responsibility is dividing political forces. With a growing diverse population and an unequal divide of resources. Canada faces issues of whether or not to enact stricter foreign policies. In domestic policy, the decisions on gun control, whether or not to give Candian aboriginals more funding, and drug policies are creating political conflicts.

Sources: https://canada.isidewith.com/polls 


Justin Trudeau

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